Bread Life: Giving Sourdough Another Go
This year, I decided to dive back into something I started a few years ago—making homemade bread. Well, to be honest, I’m re-igniting a past attempt. Back in 2020, during the pandemic, I thought I’d become a sourdough and bread-making pro. I had the enthusiasm, but let’s just say my first few loaves didn’t exactly turn out as planned!
This year, I decided to dive back into something I started a few years ago—making homemade bread. Well, to be honest, I’m re-igniting a past attempt. Back in 2020, during the pandemic, I thought I’d become a sourdough and bread-making pro. I had the enthusiasm, but let’s just say my first few loaves didn’t exactly turn out as planned!
But recently, I had the opportunity to take a class with Eden's Roots, and it’s sparked a renewed passion in me. So, here I am, giving it another go—and I’m feeling pretty optimistic about it!
The Latest Loaves…
I’m happy to report that my most recent attempts have turned out not too bad—in fact, they’re both prettier and yummier than before! The taste has been spot-on, and that’s definitely a win in my book. But, of course, there’s still room for improvement. While the flavor is there, I’m still trying to figure out why my loaves aren’t as puffy as I’d like. They have a nice texture, but I’m aiming for that perfect rise and airy crumb.
The class also offered some fantastic tips and great recipes for using the sourdough discard—YAY! No more throwing away that precious starter. The pizza crust recipe is fantastic and has become a new favorite in our household. And, the brownies—oh my goodness, they are to DIE for! Who knew sourdough discard could be turned into such decadent treats?
Stay tuned for more updates as I continue my bread-making journey. I’m excited to experiment, troubleshoot, and hopefully perfect my loaves over time. Who knows, maybe this will turn into a new bread life for me!